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Casino choice guide

After some researches lead by me on online casino ( Review on Russian online casino for example) I have decided to write the guide for people looking for hazardous adventures in Internet Casino.

How to choose online casino to the beginning player ? On what it is necessary to pay attention at a choice ? What will be a determinative for reception of positive experience of game in online casino?
So. How to "choose Internet casino". A question complex enough only firstly. Having visited about ten sites of online casino you at once will note the basic general features and sections, and also will see the most important conditions and features for yourself of each casino.

1) Site of the Internet casino. Before a choice of any thing, I always and to all recommend easy examine it. And to examine its most visible parts. Usually it is enough in 90 % of cases to solve, whether it is necessary to learn about this casino further, or to not spend time on it.
What should be on a site of online casino ? I list under the order:
- information on owners and ways of communication (contact us, about us)
- a trade mark of the country in which the casino is licensed
- a trade mark of the company manufactured games (can be exceptions)
- "games viewing" page, "help" page, "bonus info" page
Also site should have pleasant convenient and not cheap enough design, easily accessible information on conditions and restrictions between the player and a casino, and also easily accessible information on ways of contact to a support service.
2) Game casino software. Second important parameter at a choice of online casino is a kind of a casino software. Depending on "for what" you choose a casino, for constant game , or for casual rare entertainment, the kind of a casino will have crucial importance.
Game software of online casino differs on two important parameters: first is a kind of program downloadable , or not downloadable , and second - what company manufactured this software.
- Downloadable Internet casino - for the first it is necessary to download a casino downloader usually 150-300 kb , then download the basic program installation file. It differs on manufactured company, but is usual at a rate of from 1,5 Mb up to 12 Mb. After installation and unpacking of a casino file, it is necessary to register a casino account , and to enter in the game client. Usually in most installers some games are loaded by default. BlackJack, roulette and a couple of slot machines.
Disadvantages - necessity of their uploading, big size of a full set of a casino games, necessity of constant uploading of updatings.
Advantages - are not present necessity to download favourite game everytime , an opportunity to play offline on virtual money (Playtech,Bossmedia), convenience of using bank, account, help files as it is not necessary for each action to come into a browser.
-Not downloadable Internet casino - usually made with use of Java or Flash technologies . In many popular Internet casino not downloadable versions supplement the basic version of a game software. For game it is necessary to register casino account on a site , then to enter into it in a window of a browser, or on the site, or in specially opened new window with the flash-version of a casino lobby, where you can make the deposit, remove money and choose games.
Disadvantages - each time to play though in one game, it will be necessary for you to download all flash or java casino lobby, for fulfilment of the deposit you should leave a casino lobby, and to enter separately through a browser in cashier, quality, design and quantity of games in not downloadable versions considerably below, than in downloadable, it is impossible to play offline on interest.
Advantages - at low connection speed it is not necessary to wait long for loading of a file of a casino and loading big quantity of games, speed of yours Internet connection by uploading of additional games in the latent mode does not brake, it is convenient at irregular game in casino, when there is no necessity to hold the version in a computer.
Between flash and java-casino is not a lot of basic distinctions, but by my experience, flash casino much more conveniently and more high-grade than games written on java.
3) Manufacturers of a casino of a software. Now there about ten most popular manufacturers of Internet casino. Only having played in a casino with a software from each manufacturer you can choose, that is pleasant to you. For more detailed information i will write separate post about Manufacturers of Internet casino, where will be briefly described leaders of this branch and the basic features of online casino with their software.
4) Ways of the deposit/cashout money from a casino. For reception of positive experience from game in online casino , perhaps this factor has great value. Before to play a casino on real money you should very closely study section of a casino banking on a site of a concrete casino in which you are going to play. It will relieve you of unnecessary expenditure of time and will save up to you your precious nerves, that finally will necessarily affect and on your good.
5) Casino bonuses. For the beginning player I am not advise to choose Internet casino on the size of a free-of-charge bonus. But if you have decided to play on real money, and besides wish to receive a bonus on the deposit, or simply wish to try a casino without a depositary bonus very attentively, veeery attentively, read conditions and restrictions for each casino, for each bonus. In most cases, casino demand from the player of fulfilment of the certain quantity of rates (wager) before it will be possible to remove received bonus and deposit. That for you was not unpleasant news that after reception of a bonus you cannot take away the deposit though already for a long time has played in this casino, closely read conditions of each casino bonus.

If some terms are not clear to you (such as wager, deposit, banking, bonus, cashier) look this post.

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