And here the small list of advice which is resulted by Russian players, in my free translation:- Before playing online casino , necessarily check up rules of games, conditions of reception of bonuses, variants of the deposit and removal of money, and also tariffs for removal.
- Statistics always in favour of a casino, but a wise choice of games you can improve the chances considerably.
- You always can lose today, but tomorrow win even more. Therefore establish to itself norm of possible loss and as soon as it reach - leave a casino.
- In the same way it is necessary to establish a limit on a prize, in fact success can and turn away from you (if to me strongly carries I put to myself, for example, such barrier - three losses successively).
- Study rules and optimum strategy of game, practise before starting to play on money (only remember if to you strongly carried in a mode of practice it is not necessary to wait for deafening success and in real game, some casinos can entice the player successful game in a mode of practice).
- if you cannot come off game, business badly means, you shouldn't play more.
- " Remember, it is only game! " Even if you lose, be not upset, and try to take pleasure in process.
There is one more moment with which I think already some players collided.It is bonus-hunting.
The casino do not love a bonus-hunters that is quite natural, nobody wishes to lose money. If the player "will be lit" as a bonus-hunter, it can lead to its serious troubles in the future. There is a question, as well as money bonus to take away, and to not become the bonus-hunter? Here some recommendations:
- Try to make as much as possible rates (even twice more minimal requirements),
- Do not play flat bet, vary size of rates,
- Do not play one game (blackjack or videopoker) change games
- Dare to lose a little sometimes, you will return all in other casino or on a followingmonthly bonus.
I advise to practise a little , before game a new casino, but remember, that the results shown in a mode experts can strikingly differ from real! The matter is that also the player differently plays " on pictures " and on money, and the software in a mode of practice can be tightened up in favour of the player to ensnare its casino.
P.S. So , i reviewed mostly strategy , theory etc nuances of gambling, here you can find psychological and self-checking advices.
P.S. So , i reviewed mostly strategy , theory etc nuances of gambling, here you can find psychological and self-checking advices.